4天3夜巴厘岛之旅 (陆地游)



[UBUD] • Tegalalang Rice Terraces • Tampak Siring • Kintamani 

[JIMBARAN] • Uluwatu • Jimbaran Beach

[TANAH LOT] • Taman Ayun temple • Tanah Lot temple 

[乌布] • 德格拉朗梯田 • 圣泉寺 • 京打马尼

[金巴兰] • 乌鲁瓦图 • 金巴兰海滩

[海神庙] • 塔曼阿云神庙 • 海神庙


  • In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English itineraries, please refer to the English version for ethnicity.
  • Minimum 2 person to travel. Daily departure
  • For any changes in flight details and itinerary, please refer to airline and local land operator for the most accurate arrangements.
  • Tour fare is not inclusive of tipping of SGD5 per person per day for tour guide and driver.
  • Indonesia Tourism Tax of IDR 150,000 to be under customer own expenses to be pay at Indonesia Airport upon arrival at the airport. 
  • 如中英文行程有任何差异,请以英文版为准。
  • 最低成行人数为2人。每天出发。
  • 如有航班和行程更改,请以航空公司和当地地面操作人员提供的信息为准,以确保安排的准确性。
  • 旅游费用不包括每位游客每日SGD5的小费,用于支付导游和司机的服务。
  • 印尼旅游税IDR 150,000需由客户自理,并在到达印尼机场时支付。



Welcome to Bali.

Our guide and driver will pick you up at Ngurah Rai International Airport with a signboard of your name.

Depending on the timing of the flight, you might be able to check in to the hotel or go straight to enjoy the sceneries of Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot in Bali.

First, we will visit Taman Ayun temple as a compound of Balinese temple with a vast number of gardens and pond, making it one of world heritage site by UNESCO. It is knowns as the manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana principle in Bali – for the God, the people and the environment. Our guide will also describe about Tri Hita Karana principles and the Balinese ways of doing it.

Then we will visit one of the most iconic places in Bali which is Tanah Lot temple. We believe this is one of the guardian temple in Bali which is a seaside temple, the view is just spectacular and amazing, and of course beautiful. This is best enjoyed during prelude to sunset time and you will probably spend about 1 hour here to visit some of the local shops and also to visit the blessings and see holy snakes at the temple.

Coming from Tanah Lot, our dinner will be served with the famous Crispy Duck in Bali. Its crispy on the outside and juicy in the inside, accompanied by all the sambal will be a perfect meal for your first meal in Bali.

You will then be back to the hotel for a good rest and that’s just the beginning of your day in Bali.

Crispy Duck


After having breakfast at the hotel, you will be picked up by our guide at 08.00-08.30 AM and we will be off to visit the famous Benoa port in Bali. Here you will be able to see a nice monument of Barong and Catur muka statues as our guide will advise you the story behind Barong which is one of the famous icon of Bali.

Afterwards, we will visit a Silver Dragon Museum at the most famous Silver craft in Bali. This museum host a huge dragon made entirely of silver and is also being recorded at the world records, there will also be a lot of nice information about stones and jewelleries inside and of course a nice photo background. You will be able also to see the process of crafting silver from choosing the silver materials until the polishing and finishing of the jewelleries. There is also a shop if you would like to find one of the finest silver jewellery in Bali to take back home. As Ubud is very famous with crafting, our guide will also introduce some of local crafting where there is also Batik, Wood carving, Painting, Glass crafting, Ceramics, Rattan, etc which will be tailored according to your interest as Bali has a lot of crafter and designer.

You will then be taken to visit Tirta Empul holy spring which is famous for Melukat or Purification process. If you do have some problems, you can seek for “healing” through this purification process and hopefully it will assist your soul to be fresh again. Bali has a lot of healing and purification spring and there is also a lot of specific healing in a specific tirta place. Tirta Empul is known for the general healing. Istana Tampak Siring, our president palace is just located besides Tirta Empul and guests will be able to see from the front.

Afterwards you will be off to visit one of the trending fancy cafes in Kintamani where in the café you will be served a hotpot lunch overlooking the mountain view. It feels like you are up in the sky and the breezy air is really suited for a nice meal. After the meal, we will bring you to visit one of the point at Penelokan village for another photo shooting with the backdrop of the mountain.

You will then be going to visit Tegalalang Rice Field for a photo stop where rice fields are in a terasering / terraced staging and our guide will explain to you about subak and terasering and how important “rice” and paddyfield in Bali and the Gods we believe. And of course, if you are still feeling energized, you can go around the area and have a “little” trek down the rice field. There is also some local coffee plantations where you can see the civet cat and to try on the famous luwak coffee at your own expense.

You will then visit the famous Puri Peliatan in Ubud where you can dress yourself as Balinese people and can take a good photo of yourself here in one of the Palace. Next you will visit Ubud Palace and Ubud market and walk down the Monkey Forest street. Here our guide will serve you the most famous coconut ice cream on the island, its for on-the-go which you can enjoy while strolling around Ubud. After that, we will then continue to Dinner at Chinese Food / Indonesian Food

You will then go to the hotel for rest.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


After having breakfast at the hotel, you will be picked up by our guide at 08.00-08.30 AM and we will be off to visit Tanjung Benoa beach. Here you will be able to enjoy water sports like parasailing, flying fish or try the seawalker or visit the Turtle Island with a glass bottom boat at own expenses. 

Our itinerary will bring you to visit Puja Mandala – here you will see the harmonious of Balinese people as we have one exclusive area where all the 5 religions in Indonesia are located next to each other – Mosque, Vihara, Temple, Catholic Church and Christian Church.

Then you will visit one of the famous icons in Bali – GWK Cultural Park (Garuda Wisnu Kencana) where it helds one of the biggest statue monuments in Bali and also host some local cultural performance. You will be able to watch some barong dance or joged bumbung. Simple Indonesian Lunch will be served in GWK.

Next you will visit the famous Pandawa Beach, where you will see some statues (Pandawa) and listen to the history about them from our tour guide. The beach is so scenic with limestone cliffs and white sand beach, and you might be able to get a good group picture from the cliff. Here you can play some canos, swim or just stroll around the beach. Also there is also the option to go to Melasti beach, which is one of the sought after beach for beach clubs and also very famous for photoshoots.

After strolling around Pandawa Beach, you will visit Uluwatu temple – which is one of the must visit when you are in Bali especially for the first timers. Uluwatu is known as the south guardian temple of Bali and is a sanctuary for monkeys, so you will be able to see a lot of monkeys. It is also so beautiful as you can imagine being at the temple, on top of the cliff with background sound of waves crashing around. Here, they also host a Kecak Dance performance for additional cost, and if you are keen for a cultural performance, we really encourage you to see the magical performance with a sunset at the back.

Dinner will be served at one of the restaurants at the Jimbaran Beach.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


Day 04-01 Home Sweet Home (抵达甜蜜的家园)

Free at leisure till your airport transfer for your flight back to Singapore. 

Thank you very much for choosing Nam Ho Travel as your preferred agent for your vacation. We hope to see you soon in the near future.

Breakfast / Lunch

D1新加坡 / 巴厘

塔曼阿云神庙 - 这是一座多层寺庙群,主要圣殿供奉着各种印度教神灵。该寺庙是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产之一,被认为是岛上最具美感的寺庙之一,代表了巴厘岛的文化和精神信仰。



巴龙雕像 - 在这里您将看到巴龙和四面神的精美雕像。我们的导游将为您讲解巴龙的故事,巴龙是巴厘岛著名的象征之一。

银龙博物馆 - 这是巴厘岛最著名的银饰工艺博物馆。博物馆内展有一条完全由银制成的巨大龙,并被记录在世界纪录中。此外,博物馆还展示了许多关于宝石和珠宝的有趣信息,并提供了很好的拍照背景。

圣泉寺 - 也称为提尔塔恩普尔寺,是印度尼西亚巴厘岛的一座神圣的印度教水寺,以其神圣的泉水而闻名。寺庙供奉主神毗湿奴,是一个重要的精神圣地,吸引了许多游客前来体验巴厘岛的文化和宗教习俗。

京打马尼 - 在这里的咖啡馆里,您将享用热锅午餐,并欣赏到美丽的山景。接着前往佩内洛坎村,您可以在这里拍摄到以山脉为背景的美丽照片

德格拉朗梯田 - 在德格拉朗梯田停留拍照,这里是巴厘岛最常被拍摄的绿意盎然的风景之一

乌布的普里佩利坦皇宫 - 在这里,您可以穿上巴厘岛传统服装,拍摄一张美丽的照片。接下来将参观乌布皇宫和乌布市场,并沿着猴子森林街漫步

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


丹戎本诺海滩 - 在这里,您可以享受各种水上运动,如滑翔伞、飞鱼,或尝试海底漫步,或乘坐玻璃底船游览海龟岛(费用自理)
普贾曼达拉 - 在这里,您将看到巴厘岛人民的和谐,我们有一个独特的区域,所有五种印度尼西亚的宗教在一起——清真寺、寺庙、天主教堂和基督教堂
神鹰广场公园 - 这里有巴厘岛最大的雕像纪念碑之一,并且举办一些当地文化表演。您可以观看到巴龙舞或乔戈布蒙舞
乌鲁瓦图寺庙 - 这是一个神圣的海上寺庙,坐落在巴厘岛西南海岸70米高的悬崖上。这里提供了壮观的印度洋景色,尤其是在日落时分,是巴厘岛印度教徒的重要精神圣地
金巴兰海滩 - 以其金色沙滩、平静海水和令人叹为观止的日落而闻名,是当地居民和游客的最爱之地

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

D4库塔 – 登巴萨 - 新加坡


Day 04-01 Home Sweet Home (抵达甜蜜的家园)


早餐 / 午餐

Trip Information

Tour Code : DPSBD4

fr $428
+ $0 tax
(65)6221 8433

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