Important Note:
• Check in at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Sapporo Chitose Airport.
Meals On Board / Dinner
• Northern Horse Park - Enjoy either one of the various activities in Northern Horse Park from Laser shooting, Funny bicycle, Assisted Riding Tour, Balloon Archery to horse carriage tours!
• Botanical Garden - A 'Classically styled Garden' about 8 acres wide, where over 1,000 species of flora bloom.
• Heiwa-dori Shopping Park - Take a walk along Japan’s first permanent pedestrian shopping street and the Ramen village.
• Accommodation: Asahikawa Art Hotel or similar
Meals On Board / Lunch
• Furano Tomita Farm, the gentle hills carpeted in lavender and other blooms often fill the air with relaxing scents besides making for spectacular photos.
• Furano Tomita Seasonal Floral Farm (June-October Different Flowers)
1. May - Shibazakura (Takinoue)
2. Jun - Tulips (Kamiyubetsu)
3. July - Lavender (Furano Farms)
4. Aug - Sep (Sunflowers, Salvias and Cosmos)
• DIY Lavender Pillow / Melon Tasting (May-Aug) - Hands on filling a pillow with lavender potpourri for a “good sleep pillow” for your loved one.
• Be treated to the seasonal melons before bidding farewell to Flowerland in Kamifurano.
• Shikisai-no-oka Park - Go on a tractor ride go through the most impressive park filled with fragrance of the flowers set against the spectacular views of Mt Daisetsu.
• Shirogane Blue Pond & Shirahige Falls - Located in the town of Biei, this bright blue pond is highlighted in stark contrast to the beautiful yellow hues of trees.
• Ningle Terrace - a beautiful collection of boutique cottages, housing specialty arts and crafts along with their creators. In winter, the cottages look like English fairy tale village.
• Alpaca Ranch (Ent Included) - experience to feed the Alpaca.
• Accommodation: Shirogane Park Hills Hotel or similar (Onsen Hot Spring)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
• Toya Usuzan Ropeway, brings you close to the volcano's summit. The upper station's observation deck offers panoramic views of Lake Toya neighbouring Showa Shinzan
• Lake Toya Silo Observatory, is an observatory overlooking Lake Toya and It offers a panoramic view of Lake Toya and Nakajima, making it ideal for photography.
• Fruits picking - The fruits that you may pick is subjected to seasonal availability.
• Lake Toya Fireworks Display - Fireworks are organized by the local authorities and are subject to change or cancel without prior notice.
**The fireworks event will not be replaced by other attractions if it is not available.
• Showa Shinzan Bear Ranch, meet the brown bears relaxing and playing around in their natural habitat at the bear ranch.
• Accommodation: Hotel Lake Toya Sun Palace or similar (Onsen Hot Spring)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
• Lake Onuma Park, Designated as a "quasi national park" and is known for its picturesque, island dotted lakes and majestic Valcano Mt Komagatake.
• Fort Goryokaku Tower (Lift included), View the unique star shaped fortress from the top of Goryokaku Tower.
• Akarenga Red Brick Warehouse, stroll down the unique red brick warehouses restored to a chic dining and shopping area next to the waterfront.
• Hakodate Night View, Marvel at the glittering lights of this lovely city from the top of Mt Hakodate.
*Note: Ropeway included is subjected to weather conditions. If the ropeway is closed, we will go up Mt Hakodate by road.
• Accommodation: Hakodate Uminokaze or similar (Onsen Hot Spring)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
• Hakodate Morning Market, can try the freshest sashimi, dried seafood etc at the market!
• Noboribetsu Jigokudani, visit the sulphurous boiling pond and be awed by the yellow sulphuric fumes.
• Sapporo City Tour - Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower (view from Odori Park), Tokeidai Clock Tower (Drive Pass)
• Tanukikoji Shopping Street - Tanukikoji is an approximately 1km-long arcade with around 200 shops that runs east to west in downtown Sapporo.
• Accommodation: Grand Otaru Hotel or similar
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
• Otaru Canal - A must-see attraction in Otaru is the symbol of Otaru.
• Otaru Music Box Museum ("Otaru Orgel Doh" in Japanese) is Japan’s largest music box store.
• Sakaimachi Street - is an attractive, preserved merchant street in central Otaru, a short walk from the city's canal area.
• Kitaichi Glass - is the pioneer of Otaru glass when it began in 1901 with the manufacturing of kerosene oil lamps before electricity.
• Ishiya Chocolate Factory Park, visit the famous Ishiya Chocolate Factory famed for its chocolate cookies! You can enjoy the clock tower as well as the instagrammable park in front of the factory!
• DIY Chocolate Decoration - Experience by using chocolate pens, unleash your creativity and draw on the baked heart shaped Shiroi Koibito.
*If DIY Ishiya Chocolate not available will replace by DIY Music Box.
• Accommodation: Sapporo Park Hotel or similar
Breakfast / Dinner
Meals On Board / Breakfast
飞机餐 /
• 旭川北马公园 - 享受园内的各式活动 - 从激光射击,趣味自行车,辅助骑行,气球射箭到马车之旅!
• 植物园 - 一个约8 英亩宽的“古典风格花园”,园内有超过1,000 种植物。
• 平和通购物公园 - 沿着日本第一条永久性步行购物街和拉面村散步。
• 住宿:旭川艺术酒店或同等级
飞机餐 / 午餐
• 富田农场 - 平缓的山丘上铺满了薰衣草和其它花卉,除了可以拍出壮观的照片外,还能感受空气中弥漫着的阵阵清香扑鼻香味。
• 6至10月的花卉因不同的月份而异
1. 5月 - 芝樱(泷上)
2. 6月 - 郁金香 (湧別町)
3. 7月 - 薰衣草(富良野农场)
4. 8 至 9 月(向日葵,丹参和大波斯菊)
• DIY 薰衣草枕头 / 品尝甜瓜*(5 月至 8 月)- 亲手将薰衣草花香填满枕头,为您所爱的人打造一个“安眠睡枕”。
• 在告别上富良野的花田之前,品尝时令哈蜜瓜。
• 四季彩之丘- 美瑛的度假花园欣赏广阔美丽的自然风光。逢春天到秋天的花季里,数十种草花競相开放斗妍,全然一个花的乐园。(含:游园车)
• 白金青池 / 白须瀑布- 白须瀑布乃白金青池的源头,瀑布深潭处呈现与青池相同的蓝色,为日本境内少数的潜流瀑布。从地底下湧上的地下水以磅礴的气势倾泻而下注入美瑛川,使美瑛川河面略呈钴蓝色,使其冠有蓝河的美誉。
• 森林精灵阳台 - 这座坐落林间的绝妙工艺村,拥有童话般风景,置身与此梦幻的街景,在叶间洒落的日光中享受购物及散步的乐趣,别有一番风味。
• 羊驼牧场 (含门票)- 体验喂食羊驼的乐趣。
• 住宿:白金园山酒店或同等级 (温泉旅馆)
早餐 / 午餐 /
• 洞爷有珠山索道 - 带您接近火山顶峰。观景台可饱览邻近昭和新山的洞爷湖全景。
• 洞爷湖筒仓展望台 - 在此可将洞爷湖和中岛的景色尽收眼帘。
• 水果采摘 - 采摘的水果视季节而异:
• 洞爷湖烟花汇演 - 烟花汇演由地方当局安排,如有更改或取消,恕不另行通知或替代。
• 熊牧场 - 昭和新山的熊牧场面积不小,养了约100头纯种北海道棕熊。遊客可在这购买苹果, 饼干等食物,参与体验喂熊的乐趣。
• 住宿:洞爷湖太阳宫酒店或同等级 (温泉旅馆)
早餐 / 午餐 /
• 大沼湖公园 – 公园內的风景随著季节而变化。春天树梢上掛滿新绿,夏季有充滿盎然的森林,秋季红叶浸染了整个公园,冬季则是蓋滿白雪的银白世界。四季分明的景色令人不经意陶醉其中。
• 五棱郭塔(含登塔)- 登上观景台,整个五棱郭公园美景尽收眼底。不仅能一览美丽的星形全貌,还可看到函馆山,津轻海峡和横津岳山脉。
• 赤砖金森红砖仓库 - 外观保留著古典风味;內部经过裝潢,现代感十足的金森红砖仓库,现下为啤酒广场,美食餐馆,及大型购物中心。仓库面向美丽的港湾整齐排列,是函馆令一个代表风景之一。
• 函馆夜景 - 函馆山的夜景四季迥异,充满诗情画意。被誉为世界最美夜景之一,是来函馆不可错过的景点。
• 住宿:函館海峽之風日式旅館或同等级 (温泉旅馆)
早餐 / 午餐 /
• 函馆早市 - 北海道规模最大的函馆早市云集了函馆既新鲜又美味的食物。游客可买到海鲜,蔬菜,水果,点心等。
• 地狱谷 -此处乃火山爆发后,由熔岩所形成的一个奇形诡异的谷地。
• 札幌市区游-大通公园,是位于札幌市中心的公园,大通在日语中意为“大街”。
• 札幌电视塔(从大通公园眺望) - 建于 1957 年,是一座高 147.2 米的电视塔,设有 90.38 米高的观景台。
• 时计台(路径)- 建于 1878 年,当时是札幌农学校(今为北海道大学)的剧院。
• 狸小路购物街 - 于 1873 年开业,是最古老的购物街之一,拥有约 200 家商店,包括餐厅、酒吧和酒店。
• 住宿:小樽君乐酒店或同等级
早餐 / 午餐 /
• 小樽运河 - 小樽运河兩岸平排而建的旧式红砖仓库群,被倒影於运河的河水中央,兩旁的煤气灯更是这里独有的特色,加上欧洲式的建设,令其添加几分浪漫色彩。
• 小樽音乐盒博物馆 - 馆内拥有4千种各式各样的精致音乐盒,令人眼花缭乱。
• 堺町通 – 保存完好的小樽市中心的商业街。
• 北一哨子馆 - 参观精巧的彩绘玻璃艺术。繁多玻璃制品可供选择,为不错的伴手礼。
• 白色恋人公园 - 北海道闻名的白巧克力甜点,白色恋人公园就是以它为主題的观光景点。
• DIY巧克力装饰 - 使用巧克力笔在烤好的心形白色恋人上写下寄语或绘制图案等。小小的自制甜品成了美好旅行的回憶。
备注:如DIY巧克力装饰无法进行,将以 DIY 音乐盒代替。
• 住宿:札幌公园酒店或同等级
早餐 /
飞机餐 / 早餐
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